Wednesday 24 January 2018

Common Montessori Myths Decoded

Common Montessori Myths Decoded

What is it about Montessori that makes it so misunderstood? Many people today still think that Montessori is a generic word used for any kind of preschool education. However, it is one of the many methods of education applied for preschool children. Very few people understand this and thus have many preconceived notions about this form of education.
As parents, it is important to understand different options available such that one can make informed decisions about a child's education. This article talks about the many myths associated with Montessori schools and the truth behind these misconceptions.

Montessori Myths

Montessori Myth 1

Montessori classrooms have no structure

Someone who is accustomed to traditional schools might initially view a Montessori classroom as unstructured. However, Montessori education is a child-centered approach to learning where independence and freedom within limits are emphasized. It is believed that when children are given the flexibility and independence to explore, they are more motivated to learn. Children do move freely about in Montessori schools, but it is not without purpose or structure. Teachers act as guides. They provide assistance to students when needed, and redirect them when necessary.
Montessori Myth 2

Montessori education is not fit for all students

The truth is that the curriculum of Montessori is matched to the social development of the child while respecting their individuality. Thus, it is absolutely untrue that Montessori is designed for special kids or not designed for them. All students are eligible to attend Montessori.
Montessori Myth 3

Montessori curriculum is not academically strong

Children in Montessori schools get education that helps them reach higher academic levels than their counterparts who attend traditional schools. Children can easily learn. All they need is to find the style of learning that works best for them. In fact, it has been found that Montessori kids transition to public schools very well. Montessori schools may not adopt the same teaching rigorous approach as done in traditional schools, but it helps a kid to address a simple problem in math, science, and literature, through multiple angles. This allows them to solve problems more creatively.
Montessori Myth 4

Montessori kids are unruly

Although people might think Montessori kids are allowed to do whatever they want, they’re certainly not allowed to walk all over the teachers. They are also given parameters of classroom behavior and etiquette while given more freedom to develop their learning style.
Montessori Myth 5

Having older classmates is intimidating for younger children

Traditional schools typically take students from the same age group. The Montessori approach on the other hand believes in a system of mixed age groups. There a number of benefits to this system. Both the older and younger students learn through peer teaching and working with mixed-age groups which reduces competition. Students feel comfortable sharing their knowledge and experience with their classmates. On the other hand, older students are often found to turn into role models for their younger classmates.
Montessori Myth 6

Montessori education in expensive

Many people believe that Montessori education is expensive, but more recently public, tuition-free Montessori schools are popping up in communities across the globe. While the annual cost for an infant care can go up to $13,876 in United States, the annual cost of education in Montessori Academy CA can be as low as $9500.
Montessori Myth 7

Montessori is outdated

Montessori school are not just a passing fad. They’ve been around for more than a century, with over 4500 schools in the United States alone. The Montessori education system is constantly evolving and growing. It is the public-school model of teaching that has become outdated, wherein the method of teaching has not changed much over the years.

The Montessori approach is based on a philosophy of education and is neither franchised nor licensed. No two Montessori schools are same. Montessori can truly be the best form of education available for your kid today.

If Montessori sounds like a good idea for your child, do not get mislead by the rumors and myths that are circulated around it. Read this article where these myths are busted.

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